Unfollow Your Passion by Terry Trespicio

Unfollow Your Passion by Terry Trespicio is a thought-provoking and refreshing take on the modern-day mantra of “finding your passion” and turning it into a career. Trespicio argues that this popular idea is overrated and often leads to unnecessary pressure and disappointment. Instead, she encourages readers to focus on their skills and talents, and to recognize that their passions may not necessarily translate into a fulfilling career.

The book is peppered with Trespicio’s own personal experiences, making it relatable and authentic. She writes with clarity and candor, and her advice is practical and actionable. Her message is clear: it’s not about following your passions, but rather about finding what you’re good at and what brings you joy, which doesn’t necessarily coincide with your passions.

This book is a must-read for anyone who is feeling lost or stuck in their career, or who is tired of chasing after their passions with little success. Trespicio’s perspective is refreshing and empowering, and it offers readers a different way of thinking about their professional and personal lives.

Overall, Unfollow Your Passion is a solid and accessible self-help book that is sure to resonate with anyone looking for a new direction in life. Highly recommended!

*******Many thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.


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