I snagged this from Dani @ Perspective of a Writer because it looked fun!
The Rules
*Mention the creators: Anita from Discovering Your Happiness, of the This or That Tag as a way to get to know bloggers’ preferences.
*Thank and link back to the person who nominated you so they can read your answers.
*Answer the Questions.
*Nominate 10+ bloggers. With the Cramm Award include a fun challenge question.
Dog or Cat?
I have four cats, soooo…
Netflix or YouTube?
Well, both. Depends on where I’m at. Quick YouTube videos can be fun waiting for the bus or such.
Phone Call or Text?
I loathe talking on the phone. Much prefer texting!
Toast or Eggs?
Cardio or Weights?
Neither. My health isn’t conducive to those, but I enjoy walking and it’s something I can do again.
Facebook or Twitter?
Lately, neither. In general, Twitter.
Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?
Well, I can’t eat either of these anymore, but ice cream.
Mobile Games or Console Games?
Mobile for the time being. I play Jurassic World, Elder Scrolls Legends, Pokemon GO, and Star Trek Timelines. I miss console gaming though, and have plans to barricade myself in my room when the remake of Final Fantasy VII releases!
While walking: Music or Podcasts?
Neither. I’m either playing Pokemon GO or reading on my Kindle. I thank Ms Mary Russell for the inspiration to read and walk, and I’ve gotten quite adept at it.
iOS or Android?
I have both, but prefer Android.
Cake or Pie?
I love both and should have neither…
Swimming or Sunbathing?
I like sunning with a good book.
Big Party or Small Gathering?
Must I? I don’t like people that much. Books and cats are better company. Small gatherings are preferred over big parties, though.
New Clothes or New Phone?
New clothes.
Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?
I value loyalty quite highly.
Football or Basketball?
Not a sports fan. I prefer games of the mind and would much rather watch chess, billiards, or poker tourneys.
Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?
I can’t drive, so nice home interior.
What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?
Well, I have to do dishes for four people, or laundry for one… so, dishes!
Jogging or Hiking?
I’ve always enjoyed walking. Finally rebuilding my endurance so maybe I can do longer hikes.
Bath or Shower?
I usually shower. Baths are reserved for submersion meditations, where I create as much of a sensory deprivation tank as I can.
Sneakers or Sandals?
Sandals. I overheat easy because my body doesn’t regulate temperature properly. No socks/sneakers, and no gloves unless they keep the fingertips free. I love my Birkenstocks!
Glasses or Contacts?
The doc won’t let me wear contacts anymore. I’ve only got one eye, and the glasses serve as extra protection.
Hamburger or Taco?
Hamburger. Now, if you asked about enchiladas instead…. I have to eat beef sparingly though.
Couch or Recliner?
Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?
With the lack of driving, online shopping is easier. Plus, too many people in stores.
Receive: Email or Letter?
Email. Less wasted paper.
Passenger or Driver?
As I mentioned before, I am unable to drive. My vision makes me a danger. So, passenger is all I can be. 😆
Tablet or Computer?
Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?
Besides loyalty, I value intelligence and am sapiosexual. I prefer, and have, a partner with whom I can have deep philosophical conversations.
Car or Truck?
Neither, but I prefer riding in a car to a truck.
Blue or Red?
Blue, if I must. Greys and purple, if not.
Money or Free Time?
If I had a random abundance of money, I could afford free time. My autoimmune issues leave me exhausted quite often, and I need lots of recharge time.
Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?
Quiet day at the beach reading. However, when we go to Santa Cruz, I get both. Beach and boardwalk right together.
At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?
Pen or Pencil?
Pencil. I need to be able to erase.
Toilet paper: Over or Under?
Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Up Side Down?
Depends on the cup. We have cups that have to go one way, and some that have to go other ways, for being top or bottom heavy.
Pancake or Waffle?
Waffles, unless french toast is available. Not really supposed to eat either though.
Coke or Pepsi?
I dont drink soda, so neither
Coffee Cup or Thermos?
I don’t drink coffee, so neither.
Blinds or Curtain?
I don’t mind either. I currently have blackout curtains.
Train or Plane?
I enjoy travel by both, though I don’t like to get up on a plane. This means I dehydrate easy.
Phone or Tablet?
Tablet. I can do everything I want from the tablet except make a phone call.
Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee?
Iced coffee
Meat or Vegetables?
Both… I’ve been eating mostly veggies, but I prefer meat. I’m a true carnivore.
International Vacation or a New TV?
International vacation. Going to the Carribbean in January, trapped on a cruise ship with the likes of Jason Isaacs, Will Wheaton, and Nana Visitor. Poor me!
Save or Spend?
I tend to spend fairly freely.
Honesty or Other’s Feelings?
I’m a peacekeeper. If I can’t be honest tactfully, I deflect…
Coffee or Tea?

TV or Book?
Book of course!
Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?
Usually a movie at home. If I go out, it’s during the week, during the day when there are less people.
Ocean or Mountains?
I moved to foggy California along the northern coast so I could have both 🤣
Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?
Horror. I’m very lucky about my comedy choices. Also, Jonas loves horror, so we watch plenty.
City or Countryside?
Countryside. I grew up on a horse farm and spent summers on a cotton plantation. Even today, I live in a rural area.
Winter or Summer?
I prefer colder weather.
Mac or PC?
Console Gaming or PC Gaming?
PlayStation all the way! And GameBoy.
Soup or Sandwich?
Sandwich. Soup never seems to fill me up.
Card Game or Board Game?
Card game.
Camping or Binge Watching Shows at Home?
Shows at home. Unless camping can include staying in cabins at Yosemite. Then that.
Working Alone or Working in a Team?
I work much better alone.
Dine In or Delivery?
More and more, I prefer delivery because of the noise and crowds at restaurants. I’m not going to snub a meal out though.
Sweater or Hoodie?
Neither. I dislike having my arms covered. I wear a poncho/serape instead of a jacket more often than not.
Motorcycle or Bicycle?
Absolutely neither. I had a friend who was in a bad motorcycle accident. She was kept in a chemically induced coma for months. She finally woke, slowly recovered, and was able to return to her job as a CT tech, but it was touch as go for a while. She’s been left with an inability to taste, and with half her body colder than the other due to neurological damage.
Book or eBook?
Both. I do adore the convenience of my Kindle storing a geometric assload of books. There’s nothing quite like the smell and feel of hardcopy though.
When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?
I sleep with a fan going because I need the white noise. Without it, I have difficulty sleeping.
TV Shows or Movies?
Used to be movies, but now TV shows.
I nominate:
Ashleigh/ Frolic Through Fiction
Yesha @ Books, Teacups ‘n Reviews
J Cudney/ This is My Truth Now
….and anyone else who wants to play!