Book Review: Nightmare’s Eve by Stephen H Provost

Nightmare’s Eve by Stephen H Provost is an intriguing collection of poems and short stories focusing on the darker side of life. From waking nightmares, and death, to the haunting madness of the human psyche, these stories and poems run a gamut. There are tales set in the modern or near modern world, tales from […]

Book Review: Yellow Locust by Justin Joschko

Yellow Locust by Justin Joschko is a far future dystopia where famine and war have decimated the North American continent. Selena and Simon Flood live in the tyrannical country of New Canaan. Following the fall of the tiny, prosperous territory of Niagara, New Canaan sets sights on the Republic of California, far across the Middle […]

Book Review: The Beast of Cretacea by Todd Strasser

Strasser’s Beast of Cretacea is one thrilling ride from start to finish. It was something fresh and innovative, with an unexpected surprise ending. If I could give this captivating read more than 5 stars, it ranks as one of the few books I would do so. Aside from the brilliant story, the cover is absolutely […]

Book Review: The Yark by Bertrand Santini

The Yark by Bertrand Santini is about a monster called, well, the Yark, who lives off eating children. He needs good little boys and girls though. Eating bullies and scoundrels gives the Yark a right terrible tummyache. But over the years, decades, and centuries, there are fewer and fewer good children to be found. What’s […]

Book Review: Ray vs the Meaning of Life by Michael F Stewart

Ray vs the Meaning of Life, by Michael F Stewart, tackles yet another deep subject with the author’s trademark wit and humour. Ray’s grandma passes away unexpectedly, and left him ownership of her campground. Provided, of course, that he can give the executor of her will the ‘correct’ meaning of life before the end of […]

Book Review: The Unity Game by Leonora Meriel

Meriel’s The Unity Game is a complex story, full of philosophical and spiritual threads, that weaves through time and space. It is a story that epitomises Cicero’s quote about connectivity- First there is David, the big shot in New York, driving himself into the ground to earn the big bucks. Then there’s the Scottish lawyer, […]

Book Review: How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci

How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci is an easy to understand introduction to Stoic philosophy. With a witty, engaging writing style, Pigliucci breaks down Stoic philosophy into its constituent parts, discussing each in turn. He makes use of anecdotes both ancient and modern. After a few chapters of overview and history, the book […]

Book Review: SINdicate by JT Nicholas

SINdicate is second in JT Nicholas’ New Lyons Sequence. Campbell is now living in a safe house with several synthetics that have made their way to him after fleeing captivity or being turned out of their owners’ homes. He’s there as protection, especially for the pregnant Evelyn, since the synthetics are unable to harm humans. […]

Book Review: Human Tribe by Alison Wright

Human Tribe is a stunning photography collection that showcases the true diversity of our planet. The majority of the photos are from places in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South America, with a few being from North America, and Europe. It show everyday people immersed in their own vibrant cultures. From bright clothes, scant […]

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