Quickshots #42

Anne Frank by Isabel Sanchez Vegara Anne Frank by Isabel Sanchez Vegara is a very abbreviated version of Anne Frank’s story for young readers. Most of the book is taken up by engaging artwork. Like the ‘girl in red’ in Schindler’s List, only Anne’s diary is in colour. I think this is a great touch! […]

Quickshots #40

Doodled Cats/ Doodled Dogs by Gemma Correll are interactive art books that encourage the reader to draw in them. Each is divided into four parts. Part 1 is all about the animal in question, including humourous factoids, signs you are a cat/dog person, and types of cats/dogs. Part 2 teaches how do doodle specific breeds. […]

Quickshots #38

Outside: Exploring Nature by Maria Ana Peixe Dias & Ines Teixeira do Rosario Outside: Exploring Nature takes a look at the great outdoors via weather, and land formations. There was a neat section on oceans, and another on planets and stars. The artwork reminded me a great deal of that found in Shel Silverstein’s books, […]


Child of the Moon by Jessica Semaan ‘In between being your mother and father, I forgot to be your daughter And became the child of the moon “In her debut collection, Semaan offers an upfront &moving glimpse into the true nature of healing: an imperfect, nonlinear journey”–Amanda Lovlace, bestselling author of the princess saves herself […]


Ojiichan’s Gift by Chieri Uegaki & Genevieve Simms Ojiichan’s Gift by Chieri Uegaki & Genevieve Simms tells the story of Mayumi, who visits her grandfather in Japan each summer. When Mayumi was born, her grandfather created a very special garden for her- a Zen rock garden. Mayumi loved her times visiting her grandfather and working […]

Quickshots #35

Forest Bathing Retreat by Hannah Fries Full of achingly gorgeous photos, Forest Bathing Retreat by Hannah Fries is a beautiful introduction to the concept of shinrin-ryoku, or forest bathing. Scattered throughout are quotes and poems by nature-oriented people, and each section contains meditative suggestions to help you with your own exploration of the rejuvenating effects […]

Quickshots #34

Native American ABC by Lisa & Colten Lechowicz Told through charming couplets, the Lechowicz’s Native American ABC teaches young readers their alphabet, while simultaneously introducing Native American cultural associations. The artwork is simply gorgeous. Even though all of my cubs are far older than the target age-range, we all enjoyed reading this book. In fact, […]

Book Review: The Princess of Baker Street by Mia Kerick

Princess of Baker Street by Mia Kerick is a touching story about two young teens journeys to find themselves, and to find acceptance. Back in elementary school, Eric and Joey used to be friends. Children grow up though, and what a child accepts, teenagers don’t. The Baker Street kids, who all used to be Joey’s […]

Quickshots #31

Physical Sciences: Light by Mary Lindeen Light is part of the Physical Sciences series for young readers by Mary Lindeen.  Children learn about light, and the ways it is formed, as well as different types of light. Light can be used for many things too. As a way of helping us see, and helping animals […]

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