Being Better

Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living In by Kai Whiting and Leonidas Konstantankos

Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living In by Kai Whiting & Leonidas Konstantankos is a short, but enlightening foray into Stoicism. This philosophy is as pertinent today, as it was in the ancient world. Perhaps moreso, given the nonsense going on the world over.  What I really enjoyed were the engaging stories of […]

Redefining selfish

Redefining SELFISH by Carolyn Hobdey

Synopsis What happens when you are forced to survey the ashes of a life lost? When you ask yourself: what the hell has gone wrong? Carolyn Hobdey had a successful career, the sports cars, the big house, the holidays, the friends… but it meant nothing. To be genuinely happy, she faced the stark realisation that […]

Ebb & flow

Ebb & Flow by Heather T Smith

Over a summer of love and struggle, one young boy finds the courage to forgive himself.  ~Ebb & Flow Told through a series of picturesque free-verse vignettes, Ebb & Flow is the story of Jett, a young boy going through some tough times. After a singularly bad year, full of poor choices and disaster, Jett […]

Assassination of Michael Collins

Book Review- The Assassination of Michael Collins by S M Sigerson

While I love history, anthropology, and criminalistics, I was only vaguely acquainted with Michael Collins before reading Sigerson’s The Assassination of Michael Collins. I decided to give it a read after coming across a blurb. I found the cover a bit chaotic, though. If I had seen a paperback version first, I probably wouldn’t have looked […]

Book Review: Ever Deeper by Fawn D Moran

Moran’s collection Ever Deeper is poetry after my own heart. I fell in love with it from the very first. There are many deep, philosophical poems that will set you to thinking. There are light-hearted poems, and poems to soothe the soul. Most of the poems in this collection deal with knowing and appreciating the […]

A Girl Behind Dark Glasses/ A Girl in One Room by Jessica Taylor-Bearman

Buy on Amazon From a darkened world, bound by four walls, a young woman called Jessica tells the tale of her battle against the M.E Monster. The severest form of a neuro immune disease called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis went to war with her at just 15 years old. From beneath her dark glasses, Jessica glimpses a […]

Archaeology Grab Bag

Abandoned Sacred Places by Lawrence Joffe Abandoned Sacred Places by Lawrence Joffe is a gorgeous collection of photos from around the world, featuring abandoned places of spiritual or religious significance. Some of the most interesting for me were the temples of Asia, though the ‘Chicken Church’ ranked among the most unusual. It really did look […]

Book Review: A Cabinet of Linguistic Curiosities by Paul Anthony Jones

Linguistics is fascinating, even if it’s not my area of expertise in anthropology. As a writer and poet, I love language and playing with words! Learning words lost to time is fun, and Jones’ A Cabinet of Linguistic Curiosities didn’t disappoint. There’s a word for each day of the year, with a bit about how […]

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