Axel was a strong inspiration for Vander kyl’Solidor, a character in my story Evalyce: Worldshaper. Axel is by far my fave Kingdom. Hearts character 💕

Axel was a strong inspiration for Vander kyl’Solidor, a character in my story Evalyce: Worldshaper. Axel is by far my fave Kingdom. Hearts character 💕
There’s a lot to be said for making a series of small changes to your life and taking your time. It’s an effective way of changing your life with a minimal amount of stress. But, what if you’re impatient? What if your life is such a mess that you’re willing to risk being uncomfortable to […]
Reading is an activity loved by millions. Yet there are those who have yet to discover the true joys and benefits of indulging in a great book. Whichever group you’re in, it never hurts to be reminded just how wonderful the written word can be! Here are some benefits reading brings: Travel to exotic places. […]
There’s a lot to be said for making a series of small changes to your life and taking your time. It’s an effective way of changing your life with a minimal amount of stress. But, what if you’re impatient? What if your life is such a mess that you’re willing to risk being uncomfortable to […]
Loki, Norse god of mischief, is my Patron deity. It took me a while to accept that, and to find my way to Rokkatru. Many see this deity as ‘evil’ or ‘bad’, but far from it! Another sobriquet for this liminal trickster is the Lord of Laughter. And Loki’s greatest test for me, and greatest […]
The act of reading exercises my imagination. I am introduced to new vocabulary, concepts, and ideas each time I open a book. Language is powerful and challenging, and I enjoy the mental stimulation. When I discover an unfamiliar word, I look it up. Increasing my vocabulary enables me to communicate with greater clarity because I […]
Everything becomes easier when you’re brimming with self-confidence. As soon as self-doubt enters your mind, your ability to act is compromised. Self-confidence might seem to rise and fall in a random fashion, but there are steps you can take to increase the level of confidence you experience on a regular basis. Achieve a goal. Start […]
Studies show that your brain loses some of its functionality as you age. Diminished function leads to a number of problems, such as memory loss, brain fog, and even types of dementia. A well-stimulated brain elevates your mood and helps you feel better on the inside. So, a daily brain boosting is essential as you […]
You probably have more courage than you think. Like me, you may find it difficult to… say… ask a stranger to stop talking during a movie, but heavens help those who threaten your family or friends! There are ways to cultivate courage without resorting to dramatic means, or waiting for crisis to strike, though! Here […]