The Ring by Koji Suzuki A classic Japanese horror novel that inspired the popular Japanese horror movie franchise. The story follows reporter Asakawa who investigates a cursed videotape that kills anyone who watches it after seven days. [A mysterious videotape warns that the viewer will die in one week unless a certain, unspecified act is […]
Tag: growth
The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco
The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco is an atmospheric horror novel that will leave readers with a sense of unease. The story follows Okiku, a vengeful spirit who haunts those who harm children. The author’s writing style is hauntingly beautiful, with vivid descriptions that bring the story to life. The novel is told […]
Quickshots: The Natural World
Cats by Julianna Photopoulos Cats by Julianna Photopoulos takes a look at beautiful felines around the world. Divided into broad chapters of Wildcats, Shorthair, Longhair, Behaviour, and Kittens. Each chapter is stuffed with gorgeous photos of various species and breeds of feline. Accompanying the photos is a plethora of information and trivia. Highly recommended, especially […]
5 Books to Try if You Like The Elvenbane by Mercedes Lackey and Andre Norton
The Queen’s Poisoner by Jeff Wheeler  This book is the first in a series and follows a young boy who becomes the hostage of a dangerous ruler after his family is betrayed. Graceling by Kristin Cashore  This book is the first in a YA fantasy series and follows a young girl with the ability […]
Lore of the Land by Claire Cock-Starkey and Samantha Dolan
Lore of the Land, by Claire Cock-Starkey and Samantha Dolan, revolves around the traditions, legends, and myths surrounding the natural world. Six chapters focus on a different habitat, from the sea, to forests, to mountains. Each starts off with a myth or legend from around the world, followed by more diverse categories under that habitat. […]
Little People, Big Dreams Collection
Queen Elizabeth by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Queen Elizabeth by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara explores the life of this former royalty who has sadly since passed away. Elizabeth wasn’t initially in the direct line of succession. That came about when her uncle renounced the throne and her father became king. Young Elizabeth had to begin […]
Graves of the Great and Famous by Alastair Horne
Alastair Horne’s book Graves of the Great and Famous offers an intriguing perspective on the final resting places of a number of notable figures from throughout history. This picture and info book provides readers with a unique opportunity to learn more about some of the most prominent individuals in history, through exploring their gravesites and […]
5 Books to Try if You Like The Scorpio Games
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins This is another thrilling YA novel that features a dangerous competition. The Hunger Games are a fight to the death between young people from different districts, and the story is full of danger, suspense and well-drawn characters. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater If you like Stiefvater’s writing […]
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races is a unique YA take on the Gaelic mythology of the water horse, about a dangerous race that takes place on the island of Thisby every November. The story is narrated by two protagonists, Sean Kendrick and Puck Connolly, both of whom are determined to win the race for different […]
Coyote Road edited by Ellen Datlow
Coyote Road, an anthology meticulously curated by Ellen Datlow, collects stories of urban myth and contemporary folklore. The contributing authors each display their unique storytelling charm, infusing their characters with depth and relatability. The stories sway between playfully mischievous and pensively dark, shadowing the multilayered archetype of Trickster, personified in the title as Coyote, a […]