Shinji Takahashi book review

Book Review: Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl by Julie Kagawa

In Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl, Julie Kagawa follows the adventures of the eponymous Shinji. He embarks on a journey both blessing and curse. A monumental task. Shinji must return a purloined idol to its rightful place in a jungle temple. Along the way, he encounters antagonists eager to harness the idol’s […]

Book Review: Discord of Gods by Jenn Lyons

As the finale to the Chorus of Dragons series, Jen Lyons’ The Discord of Gods wraps up an intriguing and far-reaching plot. Not gonna lie- I adore this series. I had hoped that one of my favourite characters would find a measure of redemption. In fact, I used his name for two characters I created […]

Book Review: Dragon Bonds by Ava Richardson

Dragon Bonds by Ava Richardson is the 3rd book in the Return of the Darkening trilogy. The story continues to follow Seb and Thea, who have been chosen by the red dragon Kalax. War is here, and the tensions are wound tight. Some of the dragon stones have been found. But will it be enough? […]

Elvenbane by Mercedes Lackey and Andre Norton

Elvenbane, by Andre Norton and Mercedes Lackey, is a thrilling fantasy novel that explores themes of identity, freedom, and the power of friendship.   The novel follows the story of Shana, a half-human, half-elf girl adopted by dragons. Shana was orphaned after her mother was killed in the wilderness. Most dragons tolerate the girl, but […]

Raptor Red by Robert Bakker

With Raptor Red, Robert Bakker gives us a glimpse at a long distant past through the eyes of a creature unlike any other. We follow Raptor Red, a young female utahraptor who has just lost her mate. Desperate for company, and the possibility of a new mate, Raptor Red searches for others of her kind. […]

Dragonslayer servant of the crown

Book Review: Dragonslayer: Servant of the Crown by Duncan M Hamilton

Servant of the Crown was a great finale to the amazing Dragonslayer series! One character, Boudain, really surprised me. He stepped up and at least tried, instead of acting like a young, spoiled royal. It’s clear he has the potential to be a great ruler. Another character I really liked died in this book too. I understand the […]

Book Review: Highfire by Eoin Colfer

Highfire by Eoin Colfer is one rollicking good read! When young ‘Squib’ Moreau witnesses a murder on the bayou (of his new employer, no less), and nearly bites the dust when the killer realised there has been a witness to the dastardly deed, he is rescued by an unlikely saviour.  Enter the dragon- one Wyvern, […]

Book Review: Knight of the Silver Circle by Duncan Hamilton

Knight of the Silver Circle by Duncan Hamilton is second in the Dragonslayer trilogy. Alpheratz the Black has been defeated. Gill doesn’t get the chance to rest for long though. Long dormant eggs clutched by Alpheratz’ mate have unexpectedly hatched, and now three more dragons are terrorising the land. With none to shepherd their growth, […]

Book Review: Stormrise by Jillian Boehme

Stormrise by Jillian Boehme is a magical reweaving of Mulan, twined with Twelfth Night. Rain is her family’s second daughter. She is one half of a set of twins and despite looking eerily alike, Storm is her brother. When a childhood fever attacks both, it stunts Storm’s mental growth. Now, as a teen, he is […]

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