This is a weekly meme created by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer, to show off favourite characters. Be sure to check out their blog! This week’s topic is the second in command. Leaders are charismatic but their right hands do all the grunt work… so they should get some of the glory!
Being the huge Sherlock fan that I am, I really wanted to use Watson. I figured that might be too predictable for me, so I went with the second character that popped into my mind:
Commander William T Riker aka Number One, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Riker is the first officer of the USS Enterprise, captained by Jean-Luc Picard. Out of all the Star Trek ships, I think he’s one of the best first officers. He keeps the ship in order, and above all he keeps his captain on the ship. Most of the time at least. DS9’s Major Kira does an excellent job too, though she doesn’t serve on a ship, not is she Starfleet.
(*uber-excited look* I get to meet Kira (Nana Visitor) come January!!)
uuuuhhhhh Aislynn I LOVE Riker and actually I love Watson too!! I think both are perfect!! I didn’t even think of Star Trek even though I love it and grew up with it since my parents loved them ❤️ He did keep his captain on the ship for the most part and that was his job too really!!
Thanks! It was a hard choice between first officers, but Riker seemed the best option.