Poem: Seven Reasons

Seven Reasons

©Aislynn d’Merricksson, 2015


There are seven reasons why

that which has no price

is the most valuable of all.


Reason One- Serenity

What price can be named

for a gold-gilt sunrise waking the land?


Reason Two- Comfort

What price can label

a baby’s coo, a mother’s love?


Reason Three- Awen

What price to emblazon upon

the divine spark of inspiration?


Reason Four- Hope

What price to call

the birth of a child, future’s security?


Reason Five- Contentment

What price to put

on the purr of a cat, warm in your lap?


Reason Six- Hospitality

What price to hang upon

hearthfire stories and a full belly?


Reason Seven- Gratitude

What price to demand for

a stranger’s help, unasked, unbidden


Seven reasons and many more,

why all that which has no price

are the most valuable things of all.

{The kitty in the pics is Sulu Cat, who owns author Rayne Hall. Learn more about Sulu and Rayne here !}

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