…Movie I Liked Better Than The Book

My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books that started on Wednesday January 4th 2017. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s to share something positive.

Each week is a new My Favorite.. topic. Feel free to jump in! The only thing you’ll have to do is sign up on the weekly post, link back to that post and visit others.

I cannot think of any book to movie adaptation where I prefer the movie over the book.


Some, like Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, are phenomenal in their own right, but the books are still better to me. Movies have a time limit, and budgets. Things get omitted or changed to fit screen needs.

6 thoughts on “…Movie I Liked Better Than The Book

  1. I definitely liked The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks better as a movie. The book was great.. but I looooved the movie.
    Thanks for stopping by and joining!

  2. I have a couple that I liked better – The Shining and Strangers on a Train. I think I would agree with the Wizard of Oz, too.

  3. In most cases, the book is absolutely better than the movie, however, since you brought it up, here are a few that come close:

    -the 1939 version of ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
    -‘Fight Club’ is not better than the book, but stands on it’s own aside from the book.
    -the 1939 version of ‘The Maltese Falcon’ is as true of a representation of a book to movie as I have ever seen.

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