Life and Things
Been a very slow month in many ways. The CFFM has had me down and out much of the time. It’s been hard to think and process what I read. Stayed exhausted, and slept lots, but the sleep was restless and unrefreshing, which feeds back into the CFFM and perpetuates an ouroboros of pain and exhaustion. Hoping it evens back out soon and I can read more again.
(Me, at work, at home, at Dr, everywhere)
My back molar disintegrated at the beginning of the month, and I had that pulled. It healed nicely. There was very little pain and I don’t really notice it missing.
It was an exciting month at work. One week I had to call 911 for first time ever because of aggressive transient person who tried to pee in my lobby, ran at me and hit the door when I went inside, and knocked over our restaurant bins out for pickup. The next week I had the police out again to arrest a drunk person who pulled my fire alarm. He also grabbed my arm and pinched it, and later was throwing mints at me. I had to pull out my no-nonsense mum voice. Although I would have been well within my rights to press charges for battery, I refrained. Still, rather cranky after that.
And I learned a creepy ass co-worker who’d been let go due to saying and doing things that made all the rest of us feel unsafe around him had been arrested. Guests did too. One guest reported that he’d gotten mad she wanted to change rooms. She said she’d made extra sure her doors were locked because she felt he might stab them when he went with them to the new room. WTF. He is a religious zealot type, and did NOT like that I was pagan. He kept trying to convert me… by telling me to burn my hand to see what fire felt like, and that hellfire was much hotter. He grew progressively more unstable and would laugh in a creepy fashion just randomly. And one day was rambling on about people burning in crematoria. WAT?! I got to where I didn’t want to come to work if he was there. One night I sat at the end of our drive, reading, til right at clockin time. That felt safer even though it was middle of night. The first two or three days after they let him go, I really wanted someone working with me. I was scared to be alone in case he blamed me and wanted payback.
Well, I trust my instincts. Too bad you can’t report intuitive feelings to the police… A week and a half after this mofo was let go, he completely snapped and lured two people, at different times, to a remote area of road and murdered them. A taxi driver and a tow truck driver. I’ve never felt unsafe at my job, and I’ve also never felt a person’s energy was truly malevolent. Til this dude.
All I can say is learn to feel your intuition, and listen to it. You can always trust true intuition.
Mercenary Reports
Books Read and Reviewed in June
Her Infernal Descent by Zac Thompson
Servant & Lord by Lornell Yu
Haunted Charlottesville and Surrounding Counties by Susan Schwartz
Medical Paradoxes by Dr Francisco Kerdel-Vegas
The Scarecrow & George C by Mia Kerick
Stronger than a Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan
The Dictionary of Difficult Words by Jane Solomon
Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall
Best Reads of the Month
Best Series New to Me
WOAH!! What the HELL?! is so right?! That’s some crazy stuff going down all at once in the same month. I hear you about all your health problems too. I wish you lived in my state I’d refer you to my natiopath because he can really help. ❤️
Yeaaahhh. This next month needs to be quiet and peaceful please.