Heavenly Virtues Book Tag

I snagged this from Howling Libraries.



 Which author/book/series do you wish you had never read?

There was really no other answer here for me. I actually didn’t even finish the series, I only read the first two books. And then I gave them away to somebody who adored the series and had been renting them from the library. They were just way too emo for me, and being that Dracula is one of my favorite classic books, and I used to be a Laurel l K Hamilton fan, sparkly vampires are just a big NOPE



Which book/series did you find so good, that you didn’t want to read it all at once, and you read it in doses just to make the pleasure last longer?

I cannot express how much I love this series! I even got a friend addicted to it 🤣 I’m a big Sherlockian in general, and was in heaven when I discovered this series.



Which book/series/author do you tirelessly push to others, telling them about it or even given away spare copies bought for that reason?

I didn’t want to use Mary Russell for two back to back, and this series could also easily fulfill the previous prompt as well. This is a series that saw me through some rough times going through surgery after surgery, and Salvatore was/is an inspiration in my own writing.



Which series/author do you follow no matter what happens and how long you have to wait?

Laurie R King!!! My friend Destiny and I were lucky enough to meet her.



Is there an author/book/series you’ve read that improved with time the most, starting out unpromising, but ultimately proving rewarding?

I read the first as a review for the San Francisco Book Review, and wasn’t overly thrilled. I had the second to read as well, and by the end of it, I’d fallen in love.



Which fictitious character would you consider your role model in the hassle of everyday life?

John Watson! He’s very patient, and quite the epitome of Stoicism. He is a Companion archetype, and helps to ground Sherlock. (below: James Wilson is the Watson of House, MD, and is a great Companion example as well)



Which book/series/author do you find most underrated?

A master of cheesy monster horror! I’m not a big horror fan, but I LOVE his books, and don’t hear about them all that often. Spread the word!!! Haha.


I tag:

Anybody who wants play!

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