Guilty Pleasures

This is a weekly meme created by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer, to show off favourite characters. Be sure to check out their blog! This week’s topic is a super”natural”Hottie (Literally a character who is drop dead gorgeous and from a supernatural race or less literally a sexually diverse character who is a hottie…)

I was behind this week due to being in the middle of the Pacific. Turns out, there’s no internet there…

The first person to come to mind was  Jean-Claude, from Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. He’s the Master of St Louis, and a unique type of vampire in this alter Earth. He’s an incubus, meaning he can feed from sex as well from blood. He is several hundred years old, and was chosen by the one who turned him because as a mortal, Jean-Claude already possessed near preternatural beauty. He is described as having curly black hair and midnight blue eyes.

I first read these books near a decade ago. An omnibus of the first three in the series was the book I brought with me to weather the prep before my first eye surgery, making The Laughing Corpse the last book I read with two functioning eyes. I think this was also my first introduction to urban fantasy. Sadly, the series became more about the sex and less about the urban fantasy, so it’s been many years since I’ve read one. I kinda think I want to read the first few books again now though.

2 thoughts on “Guilty Pleasures

  1. Of course Jean-Claude! I’ve read till book 11 or so and yes you are right it became all about sex, Anita was always the best and it was …repetitive! Too bad really.

  2. I LOVE Jean-Claude (even though curly hair on guys is so odd when they wear it long)! I read the first 3? or so books but you’re right my writing partner reads way faster than I do and she said the rest were a no go, she knows I don’t like the read books that are all sexed up. Anita Blake was such a great character and I thought the books were so fun at first… I do love a great urban fantasy due to this series! ❤ Thanks for sharing sweetheart! And I hope your surgery went well?! I have a couple older friends who have had some eye surgery so I hope you have someone there to help you out. 🙂

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