Glacier's Edge

Glacier’s Edge by RA Salvatore

Glacier’s Edge is another awesome installment in the Legend of Drizzt series. This is 2nd in the Way of the Drow trilogy, and continues the split narratives between Jarlaxle and his group in the wilds of glacial tundra, those still at the Hosttower and the Harpell household, and Drizzt who is visiting Grandmaster Kane. Oh yes, and the drow in Menzoberranzan. 

Glacier's Edge
Artwork I did for Jarlxle

Usually, I have one person or group whose story I prefer to follow. Here, I was equally invested in all of them. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that each group had favourite people in it. Drizzt for one. Jarlaxle and Entreri. Gromph. Quenthel. 

The story, and its greater implications for the drow themselves, drew me along, calling to the cultural anthropologist in me. I’d love the chance to immerse myself in Callidae and its culture. For the most part, the drow have been portrayed as ‘evil’, and *no* culture is purely good or evil. Not the least because those are moral concepts. ‘There is nothing that is good nor bad but that thinking makes it so.’  I’m so glad we are seeing more and more drow not under Lolth’s influence. 

And clearly I need to catch back up with the series!! When my lucky black cat Drizzt passed, I stopped reading for a time. I missed 6 books, and just jumped right back in without reading the missing ones. I missed the start of Gromph and Jarlaxle’s new circumstances. 

I loved getting to see old friends again too. One was a big surprise that tickled me. Now that the secret of Callidae is known by more than Jarlaxle’s group, it opens up so many more possibilities. I don’t know the logistics of establishing trade connections with Bregan D’aerthe, but I can see that happening.


Highly recommended for any D&D or Legend of Drizzt fans, or if you just want fun fantasy. 

*******Many thanks to Netgalley and Harper Voyager for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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