Gender-bending Jarly and the Doctor

This is a weekly meme created by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer, to show off favourite characters. Be sure to check out their blog! This week’s topic is … a character you’d like to read about, but as the opposite sex of what they identified with in the original story.

Ok, I really had to think for this one. I’m content with however a character presents themselves. But it did prompt me to think, which naturally led me to Dr Who, and the kefluffle that the next Doctor was female. However, they had already prepped viewers for the possibility of a Time Lady in guise of the Master/Missy. It wasn’t a great stretch. And I love the differences! Because men and women do see things very differently, and handle things accordingly.

The Master


Then I thought ‘I wonder how different the Drizzt books would be had the rather flamboyant leader of the mercenary Bregan’daarth been female?’  Certainly Jarlaxle would have dealt with Drizzt differently. And his friendship with Artemis would have been rather different. However, I love Jarlaxle just as he is.

4 thoughts on “Gender-bending Jarly and the Doctor

  1. I’ve been super curious about that Drizzt character ever since I discovered Salvatore. I haven’t tried anything by him, but it sure does sound like there’s plenty of love in the air for his series! 😀

  2. Hmmm I didn’t know there was going to be a female doctor?! That’s quite fascinating Aislynn! Actually I would totally watch that… And Drizzt as a female would be intriguing! Actually instead of rebooting another Drizzt series the author should consider a new female character of the same race… ❤️ Most excellent choices Aislynn!!

    1. I think 13 has already had a season, or part of one. I’ve not had the chance to watch yet. My family is trying to finish Capaldi’s seasons first…. I may not wait for them if they keep taking so long..

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