Five Facts About Cats That Will Creep You Out/ Vanessa Morgan (Clowders)

Clowders, a supernatural thriller, takes place in an isolated town that is home to more cats than people. For years, tourists have flocked to this area – also known as “cat haven” – to meet the cats and buy cat-related souvenirs.

But something uncanny is happening there. According to a local legend, each time a cat dies, nine human lives are taken as a punishment. To tourists, these tales are supernatural folklore, created to frighten children on cold winter nights. But for the inhabitants of Clervaux, the danger is horrifyingly real.

To celebrate the release of Clowders, let’s dive into five disturbing facts about cats that are sure to creep you out.



1 People report more sightings of feline ghosts than human ones

More people claim to have seen, heard or felt the ghost of a deceased cat than that of a human spirit. The feeling of a cat jumping on your bed and taking place on the pillow next to yours. The clicking of claws inside the house. Hearing soft meows. But not a single cat in sight.



2 They sleep with their eyes open

Being asleep with open eyes reminds us of death, which is why so many of us find it creepy. Luckily, cats only do this once in a while, but it happens more frequently as they age.



3 Cats have a third eyelid

This third eyelid – also called palpebra tertia or haw – becomes visible when cats are ill or when they are dozing off. It’s a creepy sight but completely normal. It’s supposed to keep their eyes healthy by removing debris and redistributing tears.



4 Cats see things that you don’t

Cats can stare at the same spot for minutes at a time or follow something unseen with their eyes and heads. Some people believe cats can see ghosts and aliens.



5 Cats make weird sounds in the middle of the night

Cat owners often wake up in the middle of the night because their cat is ‘talking’ to someone. With whom are they communicating? And aren’t cats supposed to meow only at people?


Which of these cat facts creep you out?

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