Book Review: Discord of Gods by Jenn Lyons

As the finale to the Chorus of Dragons series, Jen Lyons’ The Discord of Gods wraps up an intriguing and far-reaching plot. Not gonna lie- I adore this series. I had hoped that one of my favourite characters would find a measure of redemption. In fact, I used his name for two characters I created for Bravo Fleet, a Star Trek writing group. The longest running one in fact! Alas, it was not to be.

The world-building showcases a creative mind, full of future potential. I cannot wait to read something new by Lyons. She paints a breathtaking, terrifying reality with her words, one filled with demons, dragons, deities, and their titanic conflicts. The intricate structure of the narrative might feel overwhelming to some readers, with its multiple plot points and simultaneous storylines. However, I found that this complexity gives the plot richness and depth. 

Overall, The Discord of Gods by Jenn Lyons comes as a captivating read for fans of fantasy. Highly recommended!

****Many thanks to Netgalley and MacMillan-Tor/Forge for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Gorokai Chainbreaker

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