Category: Politics

You Are an Asshole
(Patterned ‘You Are My Sunshine’/ Johnny Cash) (Dedicated to Laura Packard/ @lpackard. Read the article. Retweet the article.) You Are an Asshole Aislynn d’Merricksson, ©2017 The other night, cove, when I lay sleeping, I dreamt my homeland was strong and free. But then I woke up, and was mistaken So I hung my […]

Where Were You?
©2001, Aislynn d’Merricksson Where were you that day, standing on the brink of history? A moment flash-frozen in time, seared into the memory, never to be forgotten. Where was I? Minding my own business, preparing for my day- school and work, work and school, same old, same old, day after day. Alarmed […]

Poem: Shadows on the Wall
© Aislynn d’Merricksson, 2017 Shadows on the wall, stained forevermore, ghosts heavy with the weight of the past. To see, to see- indifferent destruction waged from afar. People cease being real, mere numbers on a chart, faceless and distant. No chance to see we are the same. Flesh and blood, hopes and dreams. Gone in […]

Guest Post: Fight the Future/ Gary Borgnis
Via Facebook, shared with permission: This is a calling like none we have ever seen before in the history of our country. It is not a calling of liberals, conservatives or independents, but of all Americans. This is not about party or politics. This is about people and patriots. It is a calling for Americans […]