Bookshelf Tag

I plundered this post from Becandbooks. It looked pretty fun. Plunder as you please!


Ok, let’s get down to these questions!

How many bookshelves do you have? 

Of my own? 9. In our house? 22. Yes, we are a family of bookwyrms.


How many books are on your shelves? 

My last tally put my shelves at 656. I have a hope chest filled with my greatest treasure- an additional 284 books. In our house, the books on shelves is 1872. Total hardcopy in house is 2094. There are an additional 3462 ebooks in my Kindle cloud.


How do you organise your shelves?

There is only loose organisation. Some shelves are devoted to philosophy, anthropology, history, others to fiction books. There are books stacked on every available space on my shelves.


What is the oldest book on your shelf?

The book I’ve owned the longest is a copy of White Fang I got in elementary school. The two oldest by age are my grandmother’s copy of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, and a tattered original The Shadow pulp novel.

This is a pic of the reprinting of the one I have. The price on mine? $1.25. 🤣


What is the newest book on your shelf? 

My newest hardcopy is an ARC of Archer at Dawn. Such a great read!


What are the longest and shortest books on your shelves?

I have no idea, but if I had to hazard a guess, then the longest would be the 12th Wheel of Time novel, and shortest would be Candide.


What is the predominant genre  on your shelves?

Fantasy. Hands down.


Have you ever been part of a bookshelf tour?

No, I haven’t. My shelves are wayyyy too cluttered, and I’m wayyy too shy.


Use a random number generator and talk about the book that corresponded to it?

Srsly? 6? Well, the first shelf in my room has my collection of books on Salvatore Lucania. Sixth book is the big square in this collage. The historian in me is fascinated by Prohibition Era Mafia, and Lucania in particular.


Do you have any fan merch or decorations on your shelves?

Well, a lot of that space is filled by stacks of books, but I do have some knick-knacks scattered around, along with artifacts.


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