Worry Says What? by Allison Edwards is an adorable picture book for kids about anxiety and how to deal with it. Worry is a fluffy monster who lives in the mind, and Whispers fretful things like ‘you can’t do this’ or ‘people don’t like you’. The more you listen options worry, the bigger it gets. But if you believe in yourself, and pay attention to what is actually going on, then worry diminishes. This is a great book to teach kids the value of mindfulness, and using affirmations to lessen worry. It presents a realistic view of things, too, by noting that worry may grow less, but it never completely goes away. I read this with my cubs and we all enjoyed it. It prompted a lot of discussion, too, as I suffer from generalized anxiety, managed by medication, and all of the worries listed in this book were amplified a hundredfold when I was a child. I have one in the family nearly as fretful as I was. A book, teacher, or family member with a grounding in mindfulness and affirmation may have helped mitigate the anxiety in my childhood, and bolstered confidence at a critical age. I think this is a great addition to any classroom, or child’s personal library, teaching necessary skills in a fun way. Highly recommended!
***Many thanks to Netgalley and the National Centre for Youth Issues for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.