Book Review: With Gratitude by Marala Scott

With Gratitude by Marala Scott is a beautiful collection of poetry to cultivate gratitude, generosity, and lovingkindness. So many of these poems resonated with me, prompting me to pause and fully contemplate them. Many illustrated in of my most favourite quotes-

                                        ‘Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth.’

                                         ~Key to Twilight

Be grateful for all experiences in your life. Destruction invariably leads to new growth. Take time to appreciate the little things in life. These are the things that truly have no price. Hummingbirds on flowers, a painted sunset, a thunderstorm lightshow. The stray kindness of a stranger, and the small kindnesses you can pay forward to others.

The poems were short free-verse. I loved that it was the last line, italicised, that formed the title of the poem. It was a lovely structure, one I don’t recall seeing before and I adored it. Highly recommended!

***Many thanks to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.


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