Book Review: Ray vs the Meaning of Life by Michael F Stewart

Ray vs the Meaning of Life, by Michael F Stewart, tackles yet another deep subject with the author’s trademark wit and humour. Ray’s grandma passes away unexpectedly, and left him ownership of her campground. Provided, of course, that he can give the executor of her will the ‘correct’ meaning of life before the end of a month. With just thirty days, Ray has his work cut out for him. If he doesn’t succeed, then his mother, uncle, and sister divide everything and he gets nothing.

To aid Ray’s eventual quest, his grandmother hires in advance the services of self-help coach Dalen. Ray’s not too sure Dalen isn’t a fraud. And with the arrival of warming weather, campers are beginning to arrive, bringing troubles of their own with them. Can Ray learn the meaning of life before time runs out?

I absolutely adored this story! It’s light-hearted, but hides a deep punch. Everyone, no matter how rich or poor, old or young, no matter gender-orientation or cultural background, seeks to find purpose and meaning in their life. From the campground’s many denizens, Ray gets exposed to myriad interpretations of what makes a meaningful life. Everyone has a different answer. Through his own personal work, Ray learns what it is that makes him happy, and that, in the end, everyone must find their own meaning. This is quite evident with Deneze, who wants to keep doing what he is doing now, which is trash collection. He enjoys helping people, and this job allows him to do that in a way the gives him satisfaction. It’s Ray who helps him see that this is a perfectly acceptable choice.

I really like that Ray came to realise that Dalen wasn’t a fraud just because he utilised the wisdom of those who came before to emphasise his points. That wisdom resonates through the ages for a reason. I was hoping to see a teasing reference to the number 42, though it very well might’ve and I missed it.

Read my other Michael F Stewart reviews:

Keep in a Cold Dark Place  

The Boy Who Swallows Flies 

***Many thanks to XPresso Blog Tours and the author for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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