Book Review: Living in Flow by Sky Nelson-Isaacs

Living in Flow by Sky Nelson-Isaacs is a book I have been longing for! A book that shows what is commonly regarded as magic or mere ‘wishful thinking’ is indeed science we can strive to replicate. This was all something I’ve tried to articulate to others before, but lacked the wherewithal to explain properly. Nelson-Isaacs does a magnificent job of explaining his theory of flow and synchronicity, and is equally clear on what it patently is not. He gives layman’s explanations of the quantum mechanics underlying his theory, along with practical applications and all the tools you need to initiate probability shuffles of your own to draw you closer to what you seek. He also warns that one needs to be introspective, as subconscious feelings affect the shuffle, and may indeed be stronger than your conscience aims. This is how synchronicity works both ways. To play off of Hamlet- Synchronicity is neither good nor bad, but that thinking makes it so. We live in a responsive, living yet indifferent universe. Subjective experience is key too. Synchronicities must be meaningful to the person in question. The techniques offered here can teach you to find your courage, and broaden your horizons. Take a chance. I think you’ll find it’s well worth it! 

*****Many thanks to the author and publisher for providing a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. Reviewed for the Seattle Book Review.

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