Book Review: Jurassic Florida by Hunter Shea

Jurassic Florida by Hunter Shea is fun, cheesy horror in all its glory. Polo Springs , Florida is battening down the hatches, preparing for Hurricane Ramona. And it’s not just water the town needs worry about raining down. Green iguanas have overrun the small  township, falling from trees, and burrowing through the ground, causing structural damage to sidewalks and buildings. The brazen little bastards have no fear of people, climbing all over them, biting and scratching. According to an exterminator called in to deal with the problem, the beasts are merely babies. If they are the little ones, where are the adults? Polo Springs is about to find out. As the storm rages, they begin to emerge. And feed.

This is just a fun story, and a perfect beachside read! I finished it in a single sitting! Once the big mama-jamas emerged to feed, the campy gorefest started, with a person even being squished by a car. No-one is safe. The ending was amusing as hell, sticking with the absurdity of gargantuan iguanas. This is most definitely a plot driven story, so there isn’t too much in the way of character development, which was a good thing, for me at least! I learned quick not to get too attached to any of the main characters, though my favourite did manage to survive.

I admit, I really liked the main characters, and would have liked to know more about them. What went wrong with Frank? Why was he out in boondocks Florida? What made Ann run for mayor, and how did such a young person get elected? Why did the Earth Matters group think blowing an oil line would help the environment instead of causing untold of ecological damage.

Read my review for Shea’s The Jersey Devil.

***Many thanks to Netgalley/ Silver Dagger Tours, Kensington Books, and the author for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

1 thought on “Book Review: Jurassic Florida by Hunter Shea

  1. It’s always a great day when we find great books to read. Congrats on the tour and thanks so much for the opportunity to win and another great post.

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