Book Review: Inward by Yung Pueblo

Inward by Yung Pueblo is a beautiful collection of spiritual poems. Two serve as an intro of sorts, followed by 5 sections- Distance, Union, Interlude, Self-Love, and Understanding.

This book dealt me a gut punch. These poems sang to my soul, conjuring sadness and longing, but hope as well. They are about loving yourself, and finding your own self-worth, which I am in desperate need of doing. I just have such a hard time of it. I feel patently unlovable. I do get locked in obsessions and binges, trying to use outer things to fill an emptiness that cannot be filled with frivolity. I ended up purchasing a copy of my own, and enjoy flipping through to random poems, using the one I land on as a meditation focus. Highly recommended for those who enjoy poetry, and all things spiritual.

***Many thanks to the Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.





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