Book Review: Harbinger by Nicole Conway

Harbinger continues Conway’s Dragonrider Legacy series, splitting time between Jenna, and Reigh, as things really begin to heat up in the war against the Tibrans. Some time is spent with Reigh and Jaevid, setting up Reigh’s next parts, but the bulk follows Jenna. She and Phillip are captured, and Argonox has a proposal for Jenna. Rule as his queen, and he will make her divine. In a bid to draw brother and sister apart, Argonox shares a secret with Jenna, guaranteed to shatter the dragonrider’s world. Jaevid and Reigh turn up to rescue the royal siblings, and Reigh goes off alone to rescue Aubren, when Jenna insists Phillip be rescued as well. A noble goal, but Phillip has been tortured and tormented, and there may not be enough left of his mind that is Phillip. Rescue him they do, and head to the safety of Cernheist, to await Reigh and Aubren, hopefully heal Phillip, and begin to regroup and make plans to evacuate Cernheist before it is too late. Can they get the civilians to safety, and begin to take ground back, or is Argonox too much for even Jaevid Broadfeather to handle?

I really enjoyed this book. At first, I was a little disappointed that we didn’t see as much of Reigh this go ’round, but I loved reading about Jaevid, and about Phillip. There also was not as much dragon action either, but what was there was awesome. You get to see more dragons, including Jaevid’s Mavrik. And Jaevid’s confusion and uncertainty make him relatable, not just to the reader, but to the other characters as well. It reaffirms that, while he channels a god’s power, and may have become a hero to Maldobar and Luntharda alike, he is, after all, quite human. Overall, an awesome read, perfect for those who love dragon stories, and fantasy. Can’t wait for the next one to come out!!

***Many thanks to Chapter by Chapter Tours and the author for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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