Author Interview: Ioana Visan, Author of Broken People



Welcome to Port Jericho! Today we are interviewing Ioana Visan, author of Broken People, available at:


Barnes and Noble-







Getting to Know You

Ioana, where are you from?
– I’m from Iasi, a city in the north-east of Romania.

Tell us a little about yourself: education, family life, etc.
-While I have a degree in Computer Science, it took me about ten years after graduation to finally admit to myself that what I wanted to do with my life was writing and not computers. That’s when I started my journey in the self-publishing world.

What are your favourite TV shows/films?
-I’ve watched a lot of movies and TV shows over the years, but looking at my DVD shelf, it turns out my favorite shows are House MD, Supernatural, and The Vampire Diaries. As for movies, my all time favorite is The Prestige. Imagine having both Batman and Wolverine in the same scene. It can’t get better than that. I’m joking, but seriously, The Prestige has the most intelligent plot I have ever seen on the screen.

Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?
-That would be my deceased grandparents. They taught me to read and love books so I’d like to show them how far I’ve got. I think they’d be proud.

Book Love

Who is your favorite author? What is it that really strikes you about their work?
– I read mainly science fiction and fantasy books, and there are several authors whose works I enjoy. I can’t say I have a favorite one. They all have different styles and attract me in different ways. I prefer intelligent plots with new (to me) worldbuildings and premises that make you thing. If the writing style/language is also appealing, that’s always a bonus. Just a random example, you can never go wrong with Lois McMaster Bujold.

What book(s) are you reading now?
– I happen to be in between books at the moment, but you can check out the books I read on my Goodreads profile. Since I read from the perspective of a writer nowadays, you’ll probably have to add an extra stars to the ratings to get a more accurate idea.

What new authors have captured your attention, or captivated your heart?
– Two authors I have discovered recently are Graham Joyce and Victoria Schwab. They’re not technically new, but they are new to me.

What’s your favourite word? Why?
– Hmm, as a writer, I’m supposed to be good with words, right? But no, I don’t have a favorite word.

*Are there any words you absolutely loathe? Why?
-There are a few words I dislike and therefore avoid using, but I only recall them when I happen to run into them.

The Write Life

What books have most influenced you?
-Frank Herbert’s Dune hands down. I read it, and I was like “This is it. This is my world. This is what I want to do.” I was in the middle school back then.

Do you have a mentor who has shepherded or encouraged your creativity?
– Yes. Michael Haulica, a Romanian writer and editor, who among other things published my first short story in a magazine and then encouraged me to gather my Romanian short stories in a collection and traditionally publish it, making this way my debut on paper possible as well.

Who has been your strongest support for your writing?
-My family and my on-line friends. And my readers, too.

What inspired you to write your first book?
– I was just trying to write a story. The goal was to enjoy it and enjoy the time spent writing it as I wasn’t particularly thinking about publishing it.

What challenges do you face in your writing?
-Time. I always want to get out more stories than I have time to write. I must have over ten covers bought already, enough for the next three years. Well, and marketing. I’m really not keen on that part of the publishing process.

What is your ideal writing time?
– Evenings, but I can’t really do it then because that’s when the entire family gathers at home. I try to write in the morning and afternoon instead.

Do you have a special place to write? Tell us a bit about it.
– I have a two-meter-long desk set in front of a glass wall and facing a big terrace full of flowers. Occasionally, there’s a cat on it, too. That’s where I do all my writing.

What writing tools do you prefer?
– MS Word, Excel, and Notepad. Pretty basic, I know, but I don’t like to complicate things. Oh, and a spellchecker.

Do you have any writing superstitions, or good luck charms?
– No.

What advice can you offer to other writers?
-Read a lot and have your work critiqued a lot. When you’re done, hire an editor.

*What writingcraft books are your most treasured resources?
-Err, a grammar book and a dictionary. LOL

Broken People series

How did you come up with the title Broken People?
-Initially, the first book was called With a Flick of the Wrist like Queen’s song, but then it seemed too long and vague so I changed it. Broken People fit better because the whole series is about a group of people who are damaged in various physical and psychological ways and struggle to make it through life despite their problems.

What, if any, message would you like your readers to take away from the Broken People series?
-It’s a message about acceptance. There are many people out there and they all have issues and problems. Once you learn to accept yourself, you can do anything you want. And since you’re already a winner, you can embrace others as well.

Who designed the covers for the books in the series? (I love the covers so much! Such a perfect fit for the books.)
-Cristrina Birtea illustrated the covers for all three novels in the series and the short story collection. The third novel isn’t out yet, but I promise you the cover is just as beautiful as the rest.

What are your current works in progress?
– I’m working on the last drafts of The Chasm, a science fiction novel that will be released in November, and I’m also writing a new installment in Law and Crucible saga.

Would you be willing to share a little of this current work in progress with us?
– Sorry, I don’t let even my cat see the first drafts.

Did you learn anything from writing the Broken People series and what was it?
-Since it was the first novel written with the thought of publishing it in mind, I learned that I could do it and it wasn’t as difficult as I had feared. The second novel in the series was even easier to write and reinforced that belief.

*Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
-Thank you all for joining me in this wild ride. There will be more stories in the future.

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