
Alt.sherlock.holmes by by Wyman, Koch, and Mann

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Brilliant, distracted, sarcastic, abrasive, superior, fiercely loyal and—above all—ferociously principled, Sherlock Holmes is a hero for all times. Every era has its thieves and monsters, its exploiters and abusers, and in every era the detective of Baker Street will piece together the clues and bring the guilty to book.

In alt.sherlock.holmes, the creators of Two Hundred and Twenty-One Baker Streets have invited three talented writers to bring startling visions of the Great Detective and the redoubtable Doctor Watson to the page: as a carnival owner and fortune teller in the ’thirties American Dust Bowl, as a drugged-up, tuned-out weirdnik in ’sixties New York City, and as the most irregular consultant in present-day Hollywood.

The game’s afoot! Whether hunting a vandal, a killer, or a shadowy conspiracy, in Indiana, California or New York, Holmes and Watson are on the case.

The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet

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A penetrating tale of magic, faith and pride…

Judah is an orphaned girl with a secret gift, born at the gates of Highfall castle. Raised alongside Gavin, heir to Lord Elban’s empire, the two share an extrasensory bond—one that is key to Judah’s survival and her possible undoing.

Elban—as mighty as he is cruel—plans to use Judah as a pawn to amass greater control. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

But beyond the castle walls, a magus, a healer with his own powerful force, has arrived from the provinces. He, too, has designs on the realm, and at the heart of his plans lies Judah… The girl who started life with no name and no history will soon discover her own strength. Intriguingly, she does not have to be given power: she can just take it.

Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle

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Most people have no idea goblins live in the woods around the small town of Bellwater, Washington. But some are about to find out. Skye, a young barista and artist, falls victim to a goblin curse in the forest one winter night, rendering her depressed and silenced, unable to speak of what happened. Her older sister, Livy, is at wit’s end trying to understand what’s wrong with her. Local mechanic Kit would know, but he doesn’t talk of such things: he’s the human liaison for the goblin tribe, a job he keeps secret and never wanted, thrust on him by an ancient family contract.Then Kit starts dating Livy, and Skye draws Kit’s cousin Grady into the spell through an enchanted kiss in the woods. Skye and Grady are doomed to become goblins and disappear from humankind forever, unless Livy, the only one untainted by enchantment, can unravel the spell by walking a dangerous magical path of her own.

The Unity Game by Leonora Meriel

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When a high-flying financier has an encounter he is unable to explain on a deserted, night-time road, he is horrified to discover his mind changing and inexplicable information pouring through him. Reality starts slipping away in the battle to suppress a knowledge that has altered his relationship with the universe. But the universe has no mercy, and what he is not willing to accept will make itself seen – even at the expense of his wrecked sanity.

A story that dives between realities and manifestations of existence, this expertly crafted and genre-bending novel invites discussion and rewards multiple readings. The Unity Game is literary fiction at its most thought-provoking and ambitious.


SINthetic by JT Nicholas

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The Artificial Evolution

They look like us. Act like us. But they are not human. Created to perform the menial tasks real humans detest, Synths were designed with only a basic intelligence and minimal emotional response. It stands to reason that they have no rights. Like any technology, they are designed for human convenience. Disposable.

In the city of New Lyons, Detective Jason Campbell is investigating a vicious crime: a female body found mutilated and left in the streets. Once the victim is identified as a Synth, the crime is designated no more than the destruction of property, and Campbell is pulled from the case.

But when a mysterious stranger approaches Campbell and asks him to continue his investigation in secret, Campbell is dragged into a dark world of unimaginable corruption. One that leaves him questioning the true nature of humanity.

And what he discovers is only the beginning . . .

The New Lyons Sequence




Timeless by RA Salvatore

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Salvatore returns with one of fantasy’s most beloved and enduring icons, the dark elf Drizzt Do’Urden, in an all-new trilogy full of swordplay, danger, and imaginative thrills.

Centuries ago, in the city of Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders, the City of Drow, nestled deep in the unmerciful Underdark of Toril, a young weapon master earned a reputation far above his station or that of his poor house.

The greater nobles watched him, and one matron, in particular, decided to take him as her own. She connived with rival great houses to secure her prize, but that prize was caught for her by another, who came to quite enjoy the weapon master.

This was the beginning of the friendship between Zaknafein and Jarlaxle, and the coupling of Matron Malice and the weapon master who would sire Drizzt Do’Urden.

Salvatore reveals the Underdark anew through the eyes of Zaknafein and Jarlaxle—an introduction to the darkness that offers a fresh view of the opportunities to be found in the shadows and an intriguing prelude to the intriguing escapes that lie ahead in the modern-day Forgotten Realms. Here, a father and his son are reunited and embark on adventures that parallel the trials of centuries long past as the friends of old are joined by Drizzt, Hero of the North, trained by Grandmaster Kane in the ways of the monk.

But the scourge of the dangerous Lolth’s ambitions remain, and demons have been foisted on the unwitting of the surface. The resulting chaos and war will prove to be the greatest challenge for all three.

Legend of Drizzt: Generations Trilogy




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