Enjoyable posts of the past week from others
85 (More!) Blog Post Ideas/ Ginger Mom & Co
Discussion: do social media make it impossible for an author to do right?/ Beware of the Reader
The Pepper Mill – Poem by Christina Ward/ Vita Brevis
Pots – Poem by Heidi Slettedahl/ Vita Brevis
Posts of the past week ICYMT
Review: The Isle Of Gold by Seven Jane
Review: Trifles and Folly 1 by Gail Z Martin
Review: Earth-Shattering by Bob Berman
Blitz: Demon Magic and a Martini by Annette Marie
Books read, reviewed, and posted/scheduled the past week
The Isle Of Gold by Seven Jane, 4*
Tudor Rose by WH Doyle, 4*
Favourite Read(s) of the Past Week
Current Read
Next Up (maybe)
Fascinating New Yorkers by Clifford Browder
Reckoning of Fallen Gods by RA Salvatore
Timeless by RA Salvatore
The Poppy War by RF Kuang
The High Court by Chris Ledbetter
Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter
The Winnowing by John SCHAFFER
The Widening Gyre by Michael R Johnston
Spells, Salt & Steel by Gail Z & Larry Martin
Rekindled by Genevieve Iseult Eldredge
Friendroid by MM Vaughn
Iron Circle by Justin Joschko
Trifles and Folly 2 by Gail Z Martin
Piggybacker by Mikki Noble, April 15
The Beautiful Side of the Moon by Leye Adenle
Storm & Fury by Gail Z Martin