Monsters Among Us by Linda S Godfrey
An intriguing look into the world of cryptids and monsters that have been spotted all over the United States. It is filled with unique stories and first-hand accounts of encounters that will leave readers with a sense of wonder and amazement.
Tracking the Man-Beasts by Joe Nickell
This book provides an investigative look into people’s claims of sightings of Bigfoot, vampires, zombies, and other ‘manimals’. Joe Nickell is a skeptic, and with a scientific approach, he delves into the stories, interviews witnesses and sheds light on what could possibly have caused the sightings.
World of Lore series by Alan Mahnke
A collection of dark non-fiction books that explores the unsettling folklore and legends of different regions around the world. Each book provides an in-depth analysis of the origins of these superstitions, their cultural significance, and their impact on contemporary society. Mahnke carefully researches these tales and presents them in an entertaining manner that will keep the reader hooked.
Cryptozoology A to Z by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark
A must-read reference book for anyone interested in looking into the concept of cryptids. It covers all aspects of the subject, from the origins of cryptids to sightings, hoaxes, and explanations behind them.
The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence by Steuart Campbell
This fascinating book provides readers with up-to-date information and findings about Scotland’s most famous cryptid – the Loch Ness Monster. It combines historical reports with modern scientific research, and the extensive photographic and sonar evidence that the author provides will make readers more informed about this mysterious creature.