Coyote Road, an anthology meticulously curated by Ellen Datlow, collects stories of urban myth and contemporary folklore. The contributing authors each display their unique storytelling charm, infusing their characters with depth and relatability. The stories sway between playfully mischievous and pensively dark, shadowing the multilayered archetype of Trickster, personified in the title as Coyote, a […]
Day: 23 April 2023
The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec
Genevieve Gornichec’s debut novel The Witch’s Heart is the enthralling story of the witch Angrboda, mother of Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Hel. The story is an excellent blend of Norse mythology, magical realism, and fantasy elements. Gornichec’s writing style is descriptive and evocative, bringing to life the story of a woman oft only seen as the […]