Book Review: The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet

The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet follows Judah, a foundling raised in Lord Elban’s household with his eldest son. As the two children grow older, it is discovered that they share a psychic link such that what one feels, so too does the other. Not just emotional, but physical as well. If one is cut, the […]

Book Review: Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin

Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin is a unique story, bright and bold. It is a tale of a brutal assault (not depicted), and the diabolical depths of revenge one girl takes against those who wronged her, and will never wrong another.  The night after Elle and her friends Mads, Summer, and Jenny crash a […]

Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin

Hannah Capin’s Foul is Fair is a bloody, thrilling revenge fantasy for the girls who have had enough. Golden boys beware: something wicked this way comes. Jade and her friends Jenny, Mads, and Summer rule their glittering LA circle. Untouchable, they have the kind of power other girls only dream of. Every party is theirs and […]

Subject A36 by Teri Polen

Welcome to the blog tour for Teri Polen’s upcoming release, Subject A36, the first book in a brand new series called The Colony!   Read on for an exclusive excerpt and a chance to win a signed or digital copy of the book!   Subject A36 (The Colony #1) Expected Publication Date: February 13th, 2020 Genre: […]

Book Review: Subject A36 by Teri Polen

Subject A36 by Teri Polen is the first book in The Colony series. Asher and his family live in a dystopic world where human beings who do not belong to the Colony are hunted down and ‘harvested’ for their desirable DNA traits. The excuse for this inhumane treatment is that it controls the population (a […]

Book Review: A Beginning At The End by Mike Chen

A Beginning At The End by Mike Chen is a tale of humanity’s survival following a slatewiper pandemic that killed off over two-thirds of the population. Those left either live in Metros (remnants of large cities), or out in ‘Reclaimed Territory’ (more like homesteaders, reclaiming areas away from the Metros). There are piratical gangs that […]

Book Review: The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle is first in Riordan’s The Trials of Apollo series. The once great god of healing, prophecy, and music has been condemned to live among the mortals on earth- as one of them. It’s not the first time either, but this may just be the worst! He’s stuck in the form of an […]

Book Review: Oasis by Katya de Becerra

As promised, here’s my longer review for Oasis. I adored the archaeology aspect! I wish we had been able to take more of a gander at the actual dig site, and artefacts. My first degree was in archaeology, and it is still near and dear to my heart. I loved the descriptions of the dig […]

January 2020

Life ‘n Things Well, it’s now less than a month to the Star Trek cruise. It will be a somewhat more somber affair this go ’round thanks to the passing of René Auberjonois recently. Odo, you will be missed! I want a signature from Q this year, and a picture with Anson Mount. 😊 On […]

The Incarn Saga by Katherine Wibell

This is my stop during the blog tour for The Incarn Saga by Katharine E. Wibell. The Incarn Saga is a four book young adult/ new adult fantasy series inspired by ancient myths and filled with fast-paced action and adventure. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 20 […]

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