Top Reads of 2019

Age of War by Michael J Sullivan

A Bad Breed by Kat Ross

Book Love by Debbie Tung

The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Inferno by Kat Ross

Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall

Pax Novis by Erica Cameron

Taming Demons for Beginners by Annette Marie

Thomas Wildus & the Book of Sorrows by JM Bergen


Cry Pilot by Joel Dane

Legend by Nicole Conway

Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons

Secrets of Hawthorne House by Donald Firesmith

Stormrise by Jillian Boehme

A Treason of Thorns by Laura E Weymouth


Best Series of 2019

(To qualify here, I needed to have read at least two books of the series within 2019)





Goodreads and Other Challenges

Well, I failed every challenge I joined. Most I simply forgot about keeping up with. This was primarily due to a worsening of my heath. Even the Goodreads challenge was a bust. I made it halfway. My goal was a bit ambitious though, so this year I only committed to 67. Pretty sure I can handle that 😂


Life Recap

The ME has gotten worse. I spend most of my free time sleeping now. Blog interaction has become nonexistent, and while I still read, I’m backlogged on writing reviews. Participation in blog tours has dwindled. Sadly, I think that’s going to end completely in the new year. *Fingers crossed*

I still do my walking and often meet my step goals. It can be very hard at times though, and doing simple chores like dishes and such has become even more difficult. This leads to me feeling ashamed, because for feck’s sake, I should be able to do that.

This disorder has started to severely impact my quality of life. I get nothing done, feel guilty for being ‘lazy’, and can’t achieve basic tasks some days. And now, I fall asleep at work more and more. I’m sitting up, and it’s more dozing than real sleep. I usually hear people come up, and wake up immediately. Still…. 

I’ve started doing more artwork though, and that’s become my way of doing bookstagram. Here are a few examples of regular artwork. The above pics are some of the book pics. 



Evalyce inspired (Top left- sleeping thundertail, Top right- Port Sevfahl, Bottom left- Sulyanak at Glass Oasis, Bottom Right- tundra mammoth in Ganysha’s valley)


2019 Goals Recap


*Reach 7,000 Litfluence points- I reached 5917. Given that I also fell behind with posting to Litsy, this is pretty good.

*Reach 600 followers- I have 523. Sooooo close!!!



*Interact with fellow bloggers more- started out doing good with this, but as the ME has gotten worse, this fell off drastically.

*Comment on others’ blog posts more often-  see above

*Respond to comments more often on my own posts- see above

*Post more creative & discussion pieces- no, not really. I think I’m just not good at those kinds of posts. 


Writing & Reading

*Uh, finish writing Language of the Trees- no, but progress has been made. The name has changed to Chimera. I’ve also joined a critique group, and have started rewriting Worldshaper in 1st person POV, and getting feedback on both. It’s been a great experience.

*Get back into my poetry groove- no, not really. 😑

*Finish transcribing my Book List to its new notebook/create memory posts from it-  ahhhahhhaaaa. No.

*Try bullet journaling- I tried it, but it just wasn’t for me. I may need to give another go. As the ME has gotten worse, I’ve needed to keep a small notebook for writing notes, reminders, and such. 


*Stick to my liver dietary guidelines- I did really good for awhile, then backslid way too far. While I didn’t really gain weight, I haven’t lost enough and am looking at gastric bypass surgery to help the liver.

*Reach goal of 96 oz of water daily- haha. Nope.

*Walk Devil’s Slide Trail both ways- no, but I walked several other long trails.

*Regulate my time better- not really

*Start acupuncture treatment- the cost, and the length and stress of travel time, turned out to be too prohibitive and the latter undid any significant progress.


2020 Goals


*Reach 7000 Litfluence points-

*Reach 700 followers- 



*Interact with fellow bloggers more- 

*Comment on others’ blog posts more often- 

*Get back to my previous level of activity/interaction-

*Respond to comments more often on my own posts-

*Post more creative & discussion pieces- 


*Finish writing Chimera-

*Finish rewriting Worldshaper-

*Finish transcribing my Book List to its new notebook/create memory posts from it-  

*Get back to my previous level of reviewing-


*Stick to my liver dietary guidelines-  

*Reach goal of 96 oz of water daily- 

*Lose a significant amount of weight- 

*Regulate my time better- 

*Cultivate greater creativity with my artwork-

*Train my cat Loki as an ESA-

2 thoughts on “2019

  1. So sorry to hear that your ME has gotten worse, friend! I know i’m one to do that alot too, but please don’t put too much pressure on yourself, your inability to do basic things like staying awake & doing dishes has NOTHING to do with you being lazy. Listen to your body and take care of it ❤️

    Goodluck with your new yearly goals xx

    1. Thank you! It turns out that part of the increased ME symptoms is because I’d developed diabetes (despite my liver dietary guidelines). Making further tweaks to my diet, and starting glucophage helped some, so that’s good.

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