Book Review: Besieged by Kevin Hearne

Besieged by Kevin Hearne is a collection of nine short stories set in the world of the Iron Druid series. These tales focus on various recurring characters from the series, from Atticus, to Archdruid Owen, to Perun, a god of thunder. Each story is prefaced by a notation placing it in the Iron Druid Chronicles […]

Kid’s Mix

Emotional Explorers by Maria Mercé Conangla & Jaume Soler Emotional Explorers by Maria Mercé Conangla & Jaume Soler works to help children learn to become attuned to their emotions, and to work with them in beneficial ways. They introduce the ideas of being an ’emotional explorer’ and of ’emotional ecology’. There are five chapters, each […]

Quickshots #28

Book Towns by Alex Johnson Book Towns by Alex Johnson details 40+ book loving towns from the world over. Full of gorgeous photos, each town entry provides history, as well as practical advice for those wishing to visit the locales. From the UK and Norway, to Japan and India, thirty countries are covered, each known […]

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