Zylia Moss is an aloof young girl, who spends much time alone. She stumbles upon a mystery, and gets drawn in to learning about the disappearance of her great-aunt. Solving this mystery may just be the key to keeping Zylia herself from fading away into obscurity. This was a lovely read! I really appreciated Zylia. […]
Day: 17 February 2018
Feb 10th- 16th
Life and Things My leg is still healing. It’s doing much better than I expected! I think it’s because I actually took the time off work, and rested properly. I often have a hard time with that. I can be very stubborn, and push past my limits. I’m trying to do a better job of […]
Feb 16th- 22nd
The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. These are weekly prompts to give bloggers a chance to connect with one another. Weeks run Friday- Thursday. Have you ever found yourself acting like a favorite character in a novel? If so, which one? (submitted by Maria @ A Night’s Dream […]