Guest Post: I Stop Somewhere by TE Carter

The Story of the Cover/ This is Where I Stop Admittedly, I had very little involvement in the cover design for the novel, since it was handled internally at Macmillan. However, there are so many elements that the cover just got so right about the novel itself that it’s a really interesting topic of discussion. […]

Book Review- Tune Up: Secret of Mylin by Joe Klingler

***This book was reviewed for the San Francisco Book Review Klingler’s Tune Up: Secret of Mylin is an intense mystery set in modern day California and Nevada. It begins with a questionable traffic accident that proves to be less an accident than premeditation upon closer inspection. An elderly Chinese woman is struck by a motorcycle […]

Book Review: Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero

***This book was reviewed for Random House/Doubleday via Edelweiss Cantero’s Meddling Kids was such a fun book! It’s a cheeky parody drawing on reminiscences of childhood classics like Scooby-Doo and The Three Investigators, with helpings of Lovecraft, King, and others added to taste. I could see echoes of 80s action shows peeking through as well. […]

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