Marie’s Red Winter tells the engaging story of Emi, a girl training as the kamigakari of Amaterasu. She’s been following this path for the past ten years and it is all coming to fruition. She is just two months shy of truly becoming the avatar of Amaterasu. This path has been fraught with danger. Amaterasu […]
Day: 19 October 2016
Spotlight: Red Winter by Annette Marie
Synopsis Emi is the kamigakari. In a few short months, her life as a mortal will end and her new existence as the human host of a goddess will begin. Carefully hidden from those who would destroy her, she has prepared her mind, body, and soul to unite with the goddess—and not once has she […]
Book Review: Kalico Jack by Mike Nahorniak
This book was reviewed via Netgalley There are great lessons here about how being different is okay. Kalico Jack is a bunny of a different coat. Literally, as it happens. Jack is a jackrabbit with a calico-coloured pelt and mismatched eyes. Since all the bunnies at home make fun of Jack, he decides to […]