I purchased a copy of this book for my own enjoyment, and with no expectation of a review. I bought this book when it was first released, many moons ago. Thanks to a rekindled love affair with the most recent game I decided to give Rovin’s book a reread. Nostalgia at its finest. […]
Month: April 2016
Book Review- The Tropic of Serpents by Maria Brennan
I purchased a copy of this book for my own enjoyment, and with no expectation of a review. Second in the Lady Trent series, Brennan’s Tropic of Serpents doesn’t disappoint! Isabella continues her research into dragons, this time heading to Bayembe and Mouleen, there to study savannah and tree ‘snakes’(serpentine dragons), and the […]
Slang of a Bygone Era- Mediaeval
Slang, colloquialisms, idioms. These are the myriad vagaries of language, accenting and highlighting culture and subculture. These are the things that make word-play fun, and enhance your writing. Below are 13 slang words from Mediaeval times for your enjoyment! Try using some in your own works! Example sentences courtesy of the Jericho crew. 1. Basta […]
Book Review- Pieces Like Pottery by Dan Buri
I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I’ll be honest. Pieces Like Pottery is far from my usual fare. I’m not usually a fan of short fiction, even in my favourite genres. The title called to me though. It conjured images of pot sherds being […]
Book Review- Immagica by KA Last
This book was reviewed for Reader’s Favourite Immagica, by KA Last, is a story all of a piece with those such as Alice in Wonderland, The Chronicles of Narnia, Inkheart, The Neverending Story, and Labyrinth. It is the story of Rosaline, a young girl whose family houses secrets unimaginable, both dark and light-hearted. […]
Pearls Priceless Beyond Compare
Pearls Priceless Beyond Compare ©2016, Aislynn d’Merricksson Pearls of memory strung along, one by one, beaded on strands of spirit and soul, myriad shimmering hues, some big, others small. Touch one, then another, and another. Images bloom in the depths, wakening in the mind, scattered over months, days, weeks, […]
Book Review- Driving Heat by Richard Castle
****This book was reviewed for the San Francisco Book Review**** Driving Heat was my first foray into Castle’s books. I must admit, on first coming across it, I didn’t believe it was real! For those who aren’t aware, Richard Castle is the main character of the ABC show Castle. He is a writer looking […]
Book Review- The Book of SHE by Sara Avant Stover
This book was reviewed for the San Francisco Book Review Stover’s Book of SHE was an amazing journey of self-discovery. I had not intended to get as drawn into it as I did. I felt compelled to stop and carry out the appropriate tasks, which slowed my reading. Stover details an alchemic […]

Book Review: A Natural History of Dragons by Maria Brennan
Brennan’s Natural History of Dragons tells the story of Isabella Trent and her love of dragons. Told in first person, the story takes us from Isabella’s first forays into naturalism, all the way to her first true dragon expedition. This is set in an alter-world with echoes of our own, and has a definite […]