The Color of Lies by CJ Lyons is an intriguing exploration of the world of a family of synesthetes, and one young woman in particular. Ella Cleary, like most of her family on her mother’s side, has a form of synesthesia. This is a unique condition where two or more of the senses become cross-wired. It manifests differently for each of them. Ella picks up emotion as colour. When Alec Ravanell approaches Ella for help with a project, she encounters a person not affected by her particular gift. Without seeing his colours, she feels like she’s trying to parse a foreign language.
Alec does need Ella’s help, but not in the way she thinks. He doesn’t need a graphic designer, but an interview with Ella herself regarding her parents’ deaths. But what she’s been told was an accident, he’s calling murder. It throws her world into turmoil. Which story is correct? And why can’t she sense Alec? Adding to her inner conflict is worry over being unable to sense him, and wanting to be around him because it’s what she imagines being normal is like.
I really enjoyed this read! The mystery part was exciting, but what fascinated me most was the exploration of synesthesia, and how people would function differently given their unique manifestation of it. Like, I don’t think I’d mind Ella’s, but Gram Helen’s? Nope. I could sympathise with her need to shutter herself away with safe sounds. I’m sound sensitive, and have misophonia. For me certain sounds are instantly maddening. At its worst, all sounds trigger stress, so I often need to hide away with safe sounds myself. Can’t say I’d want Joe’s version either! I feel the author researched this in-depth, or she knows several synesthetes.
The writing drew me in and kept me reading. Chapters sometimes switched perspectives, but each chapter is prefaced with the name of the person it follows, so no confusion there! I loved the two main characters. I so grokked Ella being torn between family expectations for college, and following her dream. I remember going through that… I loved how awkward Ella and Alec are around one another at first. Too adorable. Not only did I enjoy reading about Ella’s interactions with her world, but I wanted to know all about the mystery as well. A highly recommended read!
***Many thanks to the author and publisher for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. This book was reviewed for the the Fantastic Flying Book Club.
Great review!
Thank you!!!